usj posted:Does those settings apply to PG 500 since it is not insulated?
@usj - welcome to the forum! In general, yes the factory settings and the methodology applies the same to the PG 500. However, in my experience the PG500 requires alot more tweaking/fine tuning due to ambient conditions. On a nice calm day (or night) with a steady temp in the shade you can set it and forget it. Those conditions don't exist where I live though... Couple of weekends ago I did some ribs and the wind was blowing 35 mph all day. I got it dialed in pretty good, but was still getting temp swings +/- 15.
Did that really affect the final product? Not really... The ribs were amazing! But the engineer and tinkerer in me wishes I could tighten up that tolerance.
Granted, that is at smoking temp of 225ish. OP was absolutely right about the 275-400 range is much more forgiving.
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