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Reply to "Looking for Packers Cut Brisket in Mpls/St.Paul Metro"

I'm not from your neck o' the woods,but here are a couple of tips.

Superwally is the most likely place around to find packers.

Sometimes they are choice,but usually just select.

They are about the only thing in the store that isn't injected.

They don't have a price code for choice,so you get it at the same price.

Sam's doesn't always carry them,but they can usually get them.

If you are forced to buy them locally by the case ,it is a bunch of meat-but they freeze well.

As for butts,anyone promoting country style ribs or pork steaks has cases of them in tne back.

They will usually sell you a two pak at the promo price and they don't have to mess cutting and packaging.

Often you can get them around $1/lb.

Hope this helps,until someone local chimes in.