I would also like to thank SmokinOkie and some of the other veterans on this site. I'm another CS amateur with a 2 month old SMO25. For Mothers Day we had a house full and I knew if I gave them enough beer and wine they'd allow me to experiment on them. I made Pork Butt 101 on Saturday and chicken on Sunday. Both for the first time.
I took 3 butts from Sam's, CS Rib Rub, set at 225 and pulled at 190 degrees. I let them sit for 20 minutes, pulled, and refrigerated over night. On Sunday I mixed 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 cup apple cider and 2 cups BBQ sauce. MIxed well and reheated the batch in a SS pan sealed with foil. It turned out fantastic.
On Sunday I filled the top rack with boneless skinless chicken breasts and the bottom rack with legs that had the skin on. Rubbed with EVOO and CS Chicken Rub. Pulled them out when the breasts hit 160 degrees. Broiled the legs for about a minute to crisp the skin a little more and served. My wife is a chicken fanatic and she's already placed a order for another batch. We couldn't believe how moist they were.
Thanks to CS and you guys my beer consumption is up and lost another belt loop.