Hey Candy the Weights handle a knife extremely well and take instruction as good as you do. I have helped many customers including yourself with things they have struggled with. I hope you get to come to the class and learn the teqniques that are a proven winner. There will be others there that have won cookoffs too and the networking among us pellet cooks will be great! I'll understand if you don't come though. Some one could think of this as cheating! (LOL)
If I'm not mistaken they were the smallest internatioinal team there? Most of those teams had 6 plus with them. The Weights had me and Blind Dog and we weren't sober the whole time neither!
PS, Jackie did a hell of a job getinng 8 plus pieces in the box for turn ins. Most regular cooks just couldn't figure it out. This I belive was the first year they did this and belive it was part of what hurt others. And yes I do feel like I was part of the winning team. I left before the awards so my presence of being around if they did well wouldn't spoil their moment and folks feel like the way it seems you do. Maybe we should mark this one up to that good students can come from anywhere?