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Reply to "Mad Cow BBQ wins the Jack using a FEC2000"

Hi all,
I'm not saying he did but even if FE cooked the food from the get go it wouldn't violate any rules regarding the Jack Daniel's Grand Championship. I had Dirty Dick on my team and he could easily be considered a super ringer. If you look around you would see many instances of top cooks joining another team for the weekend.
That said, Eddy isn't from England so if he did cook the food there could be a legit gripe about the International GC, but the overall has no such restrictions.
BTW here's my words from the BBQ Forum.
Posted by drbbq on October 24, 2004 at 16:46:23:

Let me tell you about these folks. It's true that they are not from a famous BBQ place like Nebraska or Arizona, they are from England. Here's what you probably don't know.

They have been KCBS members for a while now and are very interested in BBQ. A couple years ago they saw in the Bullsheet that there was a BBQ cooking class in Lynchburg, Tennessee taught by me so Rick Weight called. We talked for a while and he and his lovely wife Jackie decided to make the trip to attend the class.
During the class every student cooks and has the opportunity to make a presentation box for each category. Most students make one or two. Jackie made four and took notes during the whole class. She was truly there to learn.
They made many friends that weekend including me, Marsha, Cubby and Blindog, and they learned about Fast Eddys cookers. They also learned that if they wanted to they could cook in the Jack as an international team. They went home, bought a FE100 and a couple other Cookshack Smokers. Matter of fact they are now the UK distributor for Cookshack. They have cooked a lot of BBQ since then, Rick told me that his friends ask if he'll cook them something else once in a while because all he wants to make for them is BBQ. These folks are real foodies and they have caught the BBQ bug full on.

So now in their second trip to the Jack, Fast Eddy brings his rig for them to use, they get a little bit of logistical help from Marsha and Blindog and they win the World Championship. Lots of effort and hard work are the reason I see. They deserve it and I congratulate them