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Reply to "Mad Cow BBQ wins the Jack using a FEC2000"

Attention...Moderator alert ahead.

Let's take this back to congratulating the Champions for the Great cook at the JD on an FE2000

Congratulations to Mad Cow BBQ for an outstanding win. NOTHING will take away from that.

Yes we like Spritied debates. Let's all take the high road on this and not take these to a personal direction.

If it continues, I will have to delete the post, we just don't like posts to get personal here at this forum.

As the Moderator, at certain points I have to jump in and remind everyone of the intent of this forum is to be friendly.

Whenever we mentioned others by NAME in a post, typically it leads down a path that isn't always the one intended.

So, if anyone wishes to continue a debate about specific individuals in this post, you can use the icon label "private message" and take you discussion to the individual.

You can also email me if you wish to comment.
