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make youre own jerky seasoning...

I have been looking online now for the last 2 months at least and am gonna give a try at making my own jerky seasoning.Cowboys used salt,pepper and chili powder.I plan on doing the same with adding some garlic salt,cayenne,crushed red peppers and maybe if I locate it some hickory smoked salt.(wonder how to smoke salt?)I have some cure packets left from my American Harvest brand of jerky&cure.After adding my spices to a coffee grinder to powderize them,I plan to use ground chuck and add the cure packets and seasoning and mix really well,then shoot out flat strips of jerky with the jerky shooter gun and let dry in the smoker oven at 180 till done.Will let yall know how it turns out!It will be 3 to 4 days before I have time to do this.
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