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Reply to "My meat isnt drying, its cooking"

Originally posted by Vicki:
How long did you let the meat sit in the salt/marinade? I don't know how much time the salt needs to work its magic vs. the cure in the marinades or store bought mixes we use. If I make a home made marinade I use Pink Salt, also called Instacure #2, which is specifically used for dried meats. Instacure #1 is for salami, etc. (whole nother subject). I got my Instacure on Amazon if your interested. Try the QDogg method, it has never failed me. But I think once you have a curing agent in the mix, it will come out much better no matter what cooking method you use.

Maybe, I have this all wrong but I thought instant cure #1 was also know as pink salt? This is what is used for jerky and instant cure #2 was for non smoking cure?


CAUTION!!!, instant cure is used in very SMALL amounts. It is a salt,nitrite mixture used to kill any bad stuff(bacteria). Please do some reading on this product if you are gonna use it. Vicki is right, it is what is needed for that pretty redish color on beef jerky. Tenderquick is also another way of using a cure that is not as strong, more room for error with this product and will give you that redish color.