Glad to hear the ribs were winners! To get your confidence up, do a pork butt- follow what you read here, and its darn near foolproof! Pull some pork, use whatever sauce tickles your fancy, throw it on some cheap white buns (Wonder burger buns are perfect), cole slaw if you want, and dig in! Make sure you allow plenty of cooking time so Mrs. cd doesn't get impatient (that "done when it's done" part is real important).After she eats some of your PP, she'll be pouring you a drink and fetching your slippers for you!
Briskets (especially a small flat) have been my most challenging cooks. Start with a full packer, follow the tips here, and hope for the best! I've had my share of dry ones, but when they come out good- whooooeee!
Keep cooking and experimenting and you'll be able to do more "by feel".