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Reply to "New to all this!"

There are some good brisket flat cooks, out there.

Brisket is the comp category that separates the real men from all other 98% of the cooks-I hear.

A good comp cook will find a Certified Angus Beef,choice-or better.

If he has the contacts ,he might fly in some primes.

They will be up around 8 lbs,nice fat cap,plenty of internal fat,square,even,and thick.

He'll age them about six weeks at 35* in his meat keeper.

He will have practiced a bunch,since one of them in a comp will cost a house payment.

When you spot one of these at your grocery store,jump on it.

Cook at least two,or maybe three-because a brisket is a brisket.

They are all different.

Have fun.