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New to cookshack


I'm new to Cookshack, it's not here yet but it's on it's way.  Wanted to reach out and see if anyone had any suggestions prior to it's arrival.  I bought the Smokette Elite.  I used to have a Bradley Digital before it died.  I tried  Rec Tec bull pellet smoker and it's just not for me.  Thought i'd give this a shot as I saw many posts about this being better than the Bradley on here.  

Biggest reason I didn't like the bull was there was hardly any smoke flavor.  Tried the xtreme smoke setting for 3-4 hrs , tried lowering the smoke damper, tried many different kinds of pellets.  (Lumberjack produced some results but too expensive). Tried smoke tube, smoke maze, just wasn't cutting it.  I loved the smoke flavor of the Bradley but didn't want to be locked in by hockey pucks that were hard to find. Pellet didn't work out.  Cookshack seemed to fit the bill from what i've read.

I notice there isn't a water pan, is it worth using one?

Any suggestions or advice I'd appreciate it.

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