Yeah, I've been playing around with higher temps lately. Seeing those guys on TLC made me curious.
Overall, I prefer the texture and quality I get from my CS's, with the low and slow as is typical. But, I've have found, or am still looking I guess, for the sweet spot on my pig cookers and grill. They flow a lot more air, and while they'll hold low temps without a problem, they seem to shrink the meat a lot more, so I'm trying to speed things up.
The product I get when cooking at 325* chops great, but doesn't pull quite the same as meat cooked at a lower temp. Not bad, just different.
I'm cooking most every day, and for 2-6 butts, I'll use one of the CS's. For 8 or more I'll use the grill, or pig cooker if I've really got a load. Just depends. I'm playing a little.