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Reply to "Pastrami"

I've got a question about corned beef/pastrami. I've got 2 small flats(4 lbs each) that I bought at a local market. I want to prepare these for a Super Bowl party. Here is my plan:

Rinse and soak for 24 hours to lessen the salt content and taste. Then apply my rub (w/o salt) and refrigerate overnight. Then into my CS at 225 degrees. Take the flats to 160 then foil. Then remove at 190. Into the cooler to hold before slicing.

A couple of questions...I have smoked many packers, but this is my first attempt with this type and cut of meat and I am concerned with not letting it get too dry. Are there any tricks other than foiling that can help with this? Anyone ever add a small pan of water on a rack to help add moisture? long on a small corned flat should I anticipate it taking to get to 160 and 190? I am just trying to plan my timeline so I know when to get this process started.

Thanks for the help. I will let you all know how it turns out.