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PICS - 6 Bellies = Bacon, Bacon, Bacon

Just pulled my six bellies out of the cure and rinsed them, letting them soak in clear water for about half an hour.

Began with Six bellies, 12 pounds each which I acquired from a military commissary at 1.81 per pound. Cured for 10 days: three bellies with Sweeter than sweet cure and three with golden brown sugar (both from Indiana butcher supply) at the rate of 1/2 oz per pound, placed in large bags and let set in the fridge, turning every 3 days or so. Will let them dry, hopefully outside this weekend, as the weather is cool, then put them in the fridge on the bacon hangers to continue to dry. Probably for five days, until I begin the smoking. More photos to come when I start the smoking. See Pic
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