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PICS - Bacon Cure Recipe & First Attempt!

Hello all, been a while since I posted, but have been lurking and cooking! I just picked up two Snake River Farms Kurobuta(Berkshire) pork bellies at about 9#s each. I know, I know pricey even on sale (50% off now), but I REALLY DON'T want to FUBAR these. I need some advice:
I want a brown sugar cure, rec cure recipe.
Hot or cold smoke.
Use my FEC100 or SM066, I have A-MAZE-N tube and tray pellet units for cold smoke to use in either.
I have better control at low temp on the SM066, 140-150 is iffy on the FEC for hot smoke.
The whole slabs would fit in the FEC better, but could cut in half for the SM066.

BTW, the SRF's Waygu Prime rib I smoked this past weekend in the FEC100 at 196 for 3 1/2 hrs was perfectly rare, tender, and very tasty (an understatement, lol Big Grin ). Take advantage of the sale for that rare treat!
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