The Snake River Farms 9.4# belly

The Slab cut in Half Ready for cure.

The Cure applied to one of the two pieces.

All wrapped up ready for the 11 day cure.

The 1 hour ice bath soak to remove excess salt. One change of water half way through.

After 3 days drying and forming pellicle in the Fridge.

Maple syrup rub before smoke.

Hung in the FEC100 ready to smoke, used BBQ delight first AMP tray, switched to A-MAZE-N next tray.

REAL cold smoking, freak Mississippi winter storm. Was 82* the day before.

Almost finished, after I took the slabs off, I allowed them to mellow for 5 days in the fridge.

Getting it all ready to freeze.

All finished!

Many Thanks to Chaplain Bill and RichH for their posts and inspiration!! I REALLY like the cold smoke method and the flavor of the bacon is spot on. I used Bill's cure recipe using brown sugar and added a little garlic powder and coarse ground black pepper. I also used a maple syrup rub.
I just took the 2nd slab off the smoker, it was about 5-6 days behind the first. I wanted to make sure I did not over smoke the first one before I smoked the 2nd.