Yes I had noticed your mention of TQ in your original recipe, but had (perhaps conveniently) forgotten it. Thanks for your reasons for your choice of cure over salt. I wasn't aware that the dose (so to speak) was so low; I'll have to do my homework on that. For me, shelf-life is not so important since we freeze everything we can't eat within a week.
As to the question about farm-raised, I have not tried to smoke it, but cooked fresh, we really don't like the flavor, even the "Norwegian" salmon that Whole Foods has on sale here now for $8.99 a lb. Having said that, I will admit that I occasionally have "Honey Smoked Salmon" out of Colorado (Atlantic farm raised), available here in Sam's Club, for breakfast, when in the depths of winter I can't get or make the real thing. It is really pretty good, although loose and fatty. Thanks again - all your posts are instructive!