I'm agreeing with GLH. My last butts I took to 207...admittedly a bit by mistake 'cuz I got home a half hour late...but, it/they were great.
May be important to point out that GLH likes a fair amount of fat mixed in with the meat which keeps it succulent even when taken to the higher temperature points.
I "used" to be a 'take it off early' and slice the pork, but that was before CS and I found that the butt would stay moist even up to the higher temps. And of course, even the fat is better when taken to 205 or so...more toward 'cracklin's' and less toward plain ole pork fat! And the meat itself seems to have a more 'velvety' texture, too.
Man, I've made myself hungry. I'm headed downstairs and make a sammich right now!!