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Reply to "Porn for Smokin !"


The "Brisket Juice" that you mention is just ....
60% Good quality beef stock
30% Home made BBQ sauce
10% Juice from the foil after the brisket was rested in cooler.

The above quantities are fairly random, I just used all the juice from the foil and made the rest up as I went along until it tasted good.

My plan was to make up the sauce to keep the brisket moist as I sliced it all at once. Most of the guests ate the brisket it with out sauce as they filled sandwiches as fast as I could carve it! When the line slowed I filled the brisket sauce bath with the rest of the meat.

Some preferred the meat without sauce, others with. It was certainly moist enough without.

I think others would be better able to answer your request for suggestions than I, as this was only my 2nd brisket ever.
It did taste better than my 1st try though, and I expect it not to taste as good as my 3rd........

By Eck Lad