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Probe problems

I started 4 boston butts last night(9 00pm )on a Amerique set the probe(195) and temps(225) correctly for a cookout Sunday When I left the internal temp of the meat was 45 and smoker was 165. Thought I would have it mostly complete this morning 6am. Checked and the smoker appeared to be on "hold", at 140 with meat at 131.Looking at the meat it appears to have done little and barely warm to the touch,I know the the 140 meat rule, is this a bust ? (My wife is going to bust me). I disconnected the probe and replaced it in the meat and unit. Now the temp is rising in the smoker. I know when in doubt toss it out but cant help and wonder since the smoker is still at 140 and internal is 131 is it safe the idea was that 140 hold time would make it safe. I have a neighborhood to feed

The power stayed on the smoker is on its own circuit

It is now 7:22 internal temp per cookshack probe(top rack) 127 2n rack (middle)internal probe 137 noticed that cookshack probe has wide quick swigs in readings 15 degrees up or down .The probe is placed correctly not touching the side or a bone or stuck in the fat.

Speaking of probes any thoughts on make and model and price of additional probes ?

Your Thoughts and Comments as always are appreciated

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