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probing brisket

I've cooked 4 or 5 briskets now and have taken them from 190* to 195*. I read on the forum about probing the brisket and how when it's done, the probe will easily go all the way into the brisket without resistance like a knife into butter. even at 195* i wouldn't say my probe went fully into the brisket(flat) like a knife into butter. i had to grip something to push it in all the way. does this mean i need to cook them even longer? i want to slice the flat so i'm concerned i'll have problems slicing if i take it even higher. just seems most of brisket folks on the forum say 190-195 is norm and i have a hard time believing i've picked 5 stubborn briskets in a row that need to be cooked even higher. to slice brisket flat, should your probe easily penetrate all the way into the flat? anyway, still learning so much and wanted to pick your brains on my brisket probing. everyone says that's important to get a feel for when they are done.
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