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Pulled Pork Questions

I have a few questions for you folks concerning pulled pork for a small party I'm supplying the pulled pork for.

There will be 12 adults present so I'm thinking I want to end up with about 6 or 7 pounds of pulled pork which I believe will require starting with 12 to 14 pounds of pork. Is this correct?

Here in the mountains I have a choice of bone in but in an unknown solution, which I'm afraid is too salty and ham tasting, or Costco's dual cryo pack which is not bone in. What would you suggest?

PULLING and Holding:
After smoking to 190 or 200 degrees I plan to put it in the Cambro for an hour or two before pulling. The question is, after pulling it how do I hold it for an additional hour or two until transport? I am afraid that it will cool down too much to just go back in the Cambro for an hour or two, so do I put it in the oven at say 140 degrees until I transport it?

As always thanks for the help.......
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