Ribs bug me. For most things I have a "go to" recipe or flavor profile, but not for ribs. I have savory rubs, salty rubs, spicy rubs, sweet rubs, and at least 4 kinds of sauces that I might choose to glaze with, or not. I guess I just like ribs in most forms, which could be a good thing I guess.
Ribdog mentioned CS mild sauce in his post. About a month ago several people I know suggested I look up Williamson House sauce, a locally produced sauce here in NC. I had to ask at the store and the butcher and a lady passing by both commented on how good this sauce was. I bought a bottle (16oz @ $7), took it home, and darn if it isn't very close to CS Mild. The CS Mild really is a great sauce on ribs. I've got a bottle I've been saving for a special occasion that might get put to use Sunday.