quote:Originally posted by Pawclaws:
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that it looks like Cook Shack ought consider putting their smokers on a taller set of legs!That Rubbermaid shed; do they sell accessories such as shelving and hang up hooks with it?
I agree with needing the taller legs. Before I was really only able to put a cookie sheet underneath it. It worked but could be messy when carrying it to the emptying ground. Now I have a deep glass dish that I use and it eliminates all of that problem.
Rubbermaid doesn't make any accessories for it as far as I know, but putting a shelf or hooks and hangers up are no problem at all. The walls are all hollow so I just put a plastic molley and screw into it and everything is staying put. I even have a paper towel hanger mounted on the ceiling which works out well and doesn't get in the way.