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Reply to "Smoke Daddy"

EZ and SmokinOkie,

I am guilty of using hyperbole above!

But seriously, I am a proud owner of an FEC 100 !!!

It puts out amazing barbecue with phenomenal control.

I can also get extra smoke from my pellets at the beginning by adding a couple hours at low temp.

I am also from the Travis County area of Texas where Post Oak is heavy on the smokey side of what we are used to down here. Heavy but because it is uniquely Post Oak, it is not acrid like heavily smoking with hickory. This is the famous taste one finds in Louie Mueller's, and Taylor Cafe (both in Taylor); Chisolm Trail, Black's, Smitty's, Kruez's (all in Lockhart); Luling City Mkt. (in Luling); Meyer's, Southside Market, (both in Elgin); Stubbs, Franklins, County Line, etc. (All in Austin) Snow's (in Lexington) Rudy's (in New Braunfels and other places) etc.

They all trademark a strong post oak layer that is sweet tasting.

I am not able to get post oak sawdust, but I can get post oak chunks and chips.

So, for me, I am watching for input from others who are getting more smoke without adding an extra couple hours to the beginning of their cook.

Also, I am interested in post oak pellets. Can't find them anywhere.

But if I can not find all of this, then fine, I am still MORE THAN HAPPY with this wonderful barbecuer !!!!!!!!!!

Proud owner of an FEC 100 !