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Smoke Ring + Bark

Smoked my first brisket on my SmokinTex (008 equiv) and got a nice thick crispy bark AND a smoke ring.

It was a 10.5lb Walmart choice untrimmed. I used a simple salt/pepper/paprika/garlic/onion/MSG rub applied right before I put it on the smoker. I trimmed the fat to 1/4" and saved the trimmed fat to place on top of the brisket for cooking.

I used 8 oz of hickory with 5 Kingston charcoal pieces.

I started it out at 250 for about an hour at 4pm then lowered it to 200 for the night. Didn't open the door once during the cook and took it off at 10:50am. I let it rest for 1.5 hours then cut into it.

Nice pink smoke ring and the entire brisket was covered in a very crispy bark.

I don't know exactly what I did, but I can assure you this is how I will cook all of my briskets going forward.
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