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Reply to "Smoke Ring + Bark"

Originally posted by Hook:
The public may have a smoke ring fixation, but the tide is changing in the competition world.

As most of you forum folks know, I'm sure, the KCBS doesn't recognize the smoke ring as a factor in its' judging criteria. The reason is that the ring is seen as chemistry not culinary skill.

I about fell out of my chair the other night while watching Alton Brown's new eating across America show. He went to a BBQ joint and bought a whole butt. He cut it open and pointed to the smoke ring saying "Ah, you see that pink smoke ring. That's how you tell authentic BBQ, it's the meat reacting to the smoke"

At least he had one part of it right. I was shocked that he of all people said that. He usually goes overboard on his analysis of the simpliest of foods. I would like to think he was just oversimplifying for that quick intro rather than going into a big analysis like he would on Good Eats.