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Reply to "Smokette for cold smoking, yes or no?"

Since I've never seen a smokette, only pictures, I'm a tad unclear on how the smoke gets into the box. From pictures, I can see a little "knob-looking thing" in the center of the top of the Smokette, I presume this is an outlet for smoke (?)... Then you just poke a hole in the bottom of your box and set it on this exhaust vent, right? If that's the case I can see the genius in your simple solution.

It seems to me that if you rigged something like this up, it'd be darn near fool proof; lots of smoke, very little heat, temp regulation isn't too important at those temps anyway (right?). Not to mention that you could do a batch of hot smoked meat at the same time. If you wanted to get fancy, you could rig up something more elaborate than a cardboard box.

Could it really be that simple? Can anyone think of a reason to mess w/ a cold smoke kit?

Thanks Andi / Que
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