Hey! It works like a damn and the best part is the double decker smokin'. Why waste the wood?
Steelhead will be marvelous cold-smoked! Dang! Wish I had some! Season over here.
Tom, Tom, Tom...did you go back and read our threads about dry brining again? Brine for less time! You are brining way too long for a product that is to be eaten for dinner! Just about 3 hours, or less, will do it. You need not let the brine melt. If that doesn't do it for ya, go to a wet brine for 30-45 minutes only. Use your same spices and everything. It won't taste as strong of the spice, but if you want, you can use more spices after brining sans the salt. Smoke with the spices on. I did a side of salmon for dinner this way last week, that was to die for! I shook off the excess before serving. If you really want them to stick, brush maple syrup on the fish before spicing. And, speaking of beer, I wish I had one right now! Really though, well, really. ANYWAY, I took a beer and a 1/4 c. brown sugar, nothing else, and brined a side of red salmon in it for an hour. Hot smoked for snackin'. Was totally wonderful! Will do that one again...