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Reply to "Smokin Okies Smoked BBQ Beans"


Thanks for the responses,

The beans falling were to be taken as humor and a real question. How do you? �Just smoke the beans� as one responder stated. in a SS colander or???? I want to learn.
As for the beans in sauce, my mind could not phantom the smoke absorbing into the sauce deeply if it were not stirred yet over and over I read opening door lengthens cook time. If you�re baking beans at the same time you have a juicy piece of meat dripping its liquid essence into the bean pot, tells me you�re going to extend the cook time.

I am a pretty logical person, sometimes slow, they tried to get me to school on the short yellow bus but I knew what it meant and refused to ride in it�. (True)

Since I have not been on the forum very long as many of you have, anyone new their sense of humor has not yet been learned by others. I meant no disrespect to anyone.

Had we been sitting around a Fast Eddie watching the smoke ascend into the upper atmosphere causing long winters bitter cold frosts and then the 118 degree phoenix summers (hello that�s been happening for thousands of years oh wait we have been BBQ for thousands years) and had a few brews. Then I popped the question(s) it would have been taken with the humor as you seen and responded too without any other hidden intent.

I am seriously learning, and asking questions, Ignorance is not bliss

Ps speaking of weirdo�s doing strange things, my boss who lives 4 stories above me, put the clamp on me be able to use my electric green bullet on the lanai. The fragrant essence was a nuisance to him.

After about a year of frustration I had a brilliant idea. All bathrooms in high rises have 24/7 exhaust fans. YES! I did and do� I smoke in the Boys room. Since it wafts over the roof top of our building, He figures it is coming from either Chef Roy�s restaurant or Stella blues. So Can I be a member of the stated club?
