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Reply to "Smoking Point and Flat Separated"

What a mess. I smoked the brisket in two halves. I put the flat on top, and the point in the middle. I put a thermometer probe in each one and set the alarm for 190 degrees. (CS @225)(@11:00 PM) The alarm went off at 4:00 AM saying the flat was done. I rolled out of bed and wrapped the flat (foil + towel) and put it in a cooler. After a couple of hours I was able to fall back asleep. Woke up at 8:00 and tried the flat. Tough and chewy. Must have messed up the thermometer. I shrink wrapped it and wrote instructions on the bag to throw it in the crock pot for 6 hours before eating. I cranked up the CS to 250 and pulled out the point at 2:00 PM @195 Put it in the cooler and watched football. we had a fine meal at 5:00. I don't see how anyone can cook a packer brisket and have it come out right. I think I am going to stick with the largest flat briskets I can find until I get more practice. How frustrating!