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Smoking two briskets need advice/opinions plz..

We're having a shop party next Friday and I was asked to smoke two briskets. I plan to pick up two that are between 10-11 pounds each. I usually cook only one at time by putting in the night before and like SmokinOkie says – "it's done when it's done" However, I'm met with a few challenges. 1) I work 20 miles from home so I don't want to have to come back and get them because they're not done. 2) I'm smoking two briskets instead of one 3) I leave for work at 6:30 a.m and the party isn't till noon.

Here's my plans let me know if I'm on the right track or should adjust:

Wednesday I will clean, rub, wrap, and throw in the fridge. Thursday afternoon I'll load the smoker (008) with about 8oz of mesquite and throw ˜em both in around 5pm and set at 225 (that gives me roughly 13.5 hrs to reach my 195 temp). Friday morning (once they reach the 195) I'll remove and double in heavy foil then place in a cooler.

Haven't done the cooler thing just read it here on the forum – will it keep ˜em nice and warm till noonish? Am I allotting enough time or should I start ˜em earlier?

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