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Reply to "Smoking two briskets need advice/opinions plz.."

Originally posted by Jammin_Jim:
Lol - nah, I like mesquite but don't love it.. Smiler I usually use around 3.5 to 4 oz for a single brisket. I've been through and through the archives and read that someone used 8. Good point, I'll drop it to 4 and throw in something else.

Jammin_Jim -- If you are satisfied with 3.5-4 oz of mesquite on one brisquet the same amount will suffice on two. Double the meat doesn't mean double the wood. Mesquite can get bitter fast if over-done. If you like brisket at 4 oz, bump it up a little. Doubling could be disappointing. Just my opinion. Do what you think is best. Remember, this is for a party Wink