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Reply to "Some Questions"


I believe the reason that a lot of us who are drawn to grilling/smoking and cooking in general, is that it's one of those pursuits that appeals to those of us who are somewhat O/C and constantly striving to do the best we can, to continually improve and not screw up too badly. You know. The type of person that has several thermometer probes sprouting out of the smoke hole, measuring the temp at each level as well as 2 probes in the meat, has checked them all first and a difference of 5 degrees means a new thermometer. That kind of person tends to be the type who reads instructions and believes that the people who manufacture the product and wrote the instructions know what they're talking about, so they do take them as gospel. So, believing that and being excited and anxious to get started, most of us have done that first seasoning/break-in smoke before coming to the forum for tips and advice. Not that I'm that type.

At least the Cookshack instructions are written in a language that I can understand. Smiler

You're right about the amount of information. It can be confusing and sometimes contradictory as people learn and find better ways to do things. That's what makes this fun.

Gotta' run. I have to go back to Sears and exchange a thermometer.

