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Splitting a Rib Eye Roast in Half

Today I bought a 16+lb. whole rib eye roast at Costco, brought it home and cut it in half. One half is for tomorrow's smoke. The other half is for another smoke about 1 week away. For that next week's smoke piece of meat, I mopped it with some paper towels to get rid of most of the blood, then double wrapped it in plastic wrap, and then vacuum sealed it. It is now sitting in a 35* (& below) refrigerator.

My question is how long can this sit in that refrigerator and still be good? I've read many posts here about 'wet aging' for 30-40 days, but those have always said to keep the meat in the original intact cryovac bag. The sell-by date is 3 days from now. I have no idea of it's kill date.
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