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Reply to "Splitting a Rib Eye Roast in Half"

In general I try to avoid freezing meat as I feel the thawed piece then becomes a little dryer and less flavorful from the freeze/thaw process so not as good as a fresh cut of meat. But I do agree a frozen/thawed piece of meat is much better than a having one get spoiled!

I know there is very good wisdom available here and I appreciate all the comments. Just curious as to how long I could keep it in refr and have it still be good. By re-vacuum sealing I was trying to get the piece of meat back into a similar 'original packaging' form, but from what I'm hearing, once the original cryovac 'factory seal' is broken, it's broken and there is no fixing it. Then the time clock for spoilage greatly speeds-up, unless it is frozen.

P.S. to Smokin, Your "low & slow, then blast-it" method for prime rib as given in your Prime Rib 101 works great on the rib eye roasts I buy - thanks!! That's the only way to smoke it.
Last edited by olysmokes