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Reply to "Stacking brisket"

Hey there Pags! Small world. I'm heading over to Roseville tomorrow to pick up a brisket or two. My smoker is due to be delivered tomorrow and I don't wanna be caught with my fat side down, if you know what I mean... Ha!

We are right in the heart of wine country; Shenandoah Valley on Hwy 49 between the town of El Dorado and Plymouth. Fairplay area is really beautiful this time of year with everything still all green and lush.
My favorite winery is Lava Cap but that's north and east of Fairplay area in the Apple Hill part of the county. After you've toured the wineries, swing by Sutter Creek and Drytown for some old fashioned gold rush atmosphere. A GREAT resturant in Placerville is Sequoia on Bee St. That place blows me away with it's atmosphere. Also Georgetown Hotel on a Friday night; you'd swear you stepped back into the 1800's complete with saloon, banjo pickin' and dancing girls!! HaW!!!