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Reply to "Stillwater Competition 3/31 - 4/1"

Read the results Smokin. Not bad for your first comp of the season. Congrats! Big Grin

As you can see, Hippie was responsible for all the paintball damage. I tried to warn him Roll Eyes Now, KCAL got in to Hippie's home-brew and the party went south from there! Thank God CS makes a nearly fool-proof smoker cause the house was full of fools hunkered down on 90-proof! Big Grin Food was good, company was excellent! Next time we need too have a few more in attedance as the "house rules" clearly stated the first six arrivals were NOT responsible for clean-up.

And since the paintball episode caused most of the damage please forward the clean-up bill to Hippie. Heck, maybe we'll all chip in! Big Grin

Please convey our sincerest apologies to Mrs Smokin. Next time we'll do better - at what, I don't know Big Grin