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Reply to "Turkey Reports - 2002"

First time doing a whole turkey...brined a 12.6 lb bird for 24 hrs using Smokin's Holiday Honey Brine.

Rinsed thoroughly, patted dry and refrigerated for 8 hrs to dry skin out a little.

Coated with mayo, and Poultry Perfect Rub. Covered with butter soaked cheesecloth for first 3hrs of smoke.

Used 4 oz of hickory on a Brinkmann gas-fired smoker, smoked on top rack at an average temp of 234. Put in the smoker at 6 AM, it was done at 12 noon. (very cold here in New England...never got over 18 degrees)

Internal temp of breast was 175 and the thigh was 172. Go figure. Used 3 probes, one to monitor smoker temp, one each in breast and thigh.

This bird came out absolutely perfect, with the exception of the rubbery skin. But from all I read that's normal unless you take extra steps to crisp. Wasn't a big concern here.

The meat was so juicy, and tender..everyone loved it and came back for more. Made a batch of Struttin Sauce to go with it.

For my first time out doing a whole turkey...I was very, very pleased with the outcome and in the process became a huge fan of brining.

A thank-you has to go out to all of you on this board for all the advice and tips, the reason for my success.

This is a great community. Smiler
