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Reply to "Turkey Reports - 2002"

Well Smokin, you were correct.
"You can do it simple, or you can do it right"...That will be my motto from now on.
11 1/2 lb. Turkey was put in Smokin's Holiday Brine (better than any potpourri the wife has bought) a stainless steel stock pot for 12hrs in fridge.
Rinsed 3 times ..patted dry..coat with mayonaise...apply rub.(i used "Dancin Pigs" from the Bar B Q Shop in Memphis)
Smoked with 4oz of hickory @ 225 degrees . Put the bird in at 11pm and took him out at 11am
We ate at 12noon and it was a deep golden brown and moist
Served it with a ham that was in the oven all morning , and also all the fixings
Don't know what you folks are talking about when you say't have any here.
Poor Tom..we barely knew you!!!!!!

Thanks Smokin
