As long as you don't overload the sucker, you actually get a good color on the meat. It find this true with briskets, shoulders, ribs as well.
By the way, I cooked my first ribs Sunday... baby backs, took 3.5 hours.... they would've have won Memphis in May and I didn't even have to foil them, Smokin'!
I didn't sauce these, just made a good rub and served dry.... incredible.... Can't believe I waited a year to try ribs in it... but it has been very busy with shoulders and brisket.....
I'll be going to Vegas in a week and two days to attend the CaterSource Update 2002 Convention. Me and 800 other caterers are not letting Usama stop us from having a great time, rewarding ourselves for our hard work this year and gaining education to stay ahead of our competition... I understand that John Shiflet will be there from Cookshack... hmmm... maybe I will buy THAT unit from him like I did last year.... providing Stuart instructs him to give me a real SWEET deal....

carl jones
jackson, tn