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Reply to "Warm up times for Model 250"

I guess that is why you design and sell these things and I simply cook on them. It took about 1 hour and 20 mins for me to smoke chicken quarters to the proper temp. (which I think is completely reasonable.) I find that the breast quarters get to 160 about the time that the thighs get to 180. I took them out and placed in one of my convection ovens at 400 for about 10 mins to crisp up the skins...

As long as you don't overload the sucker, you actually get a good color on the meat. It find this true with briskets, shoulders, ribs as well.

By the way, I cooked my first ribs Sunday... baby backs, took 3.5 hours.... they would've have won Memphis in May and I didn't even have to foil them, Smokin'!

I didn't sauce these, just made a good rub and served dry.... incredible.... Can't believe I waited a year to try ribs in it... but it has been very busy with shoulders and brisket.....

I'll be going to Vegas in a week and two days to attend the CaterSource Update 2002 Convention. Me and 800 other caterers are not letting Usama stop us from having a great time, rewarding ourselves for our hard work this year and gaining education to stay ahead of our competition... I understand that John Shiflet will be there from Cookshack... hmmm... maybe I will buy THAT unit from him like I did last year.... providing Stuart instructs him to give me a real SWEET deal.... Razzer

carl jones
jackson, tn