Be sure and get choice next time. To check doneness, poke with your therm probe. It should feel like it is going into butter. When done, wrap in 2 layers of HD foil, then towels, then into as small a cooler as possible. I have had them still too hot to handle after 8 hours. Seperate the point from the finished flat and put the point back into the smoker on 300*F (AmeriQue) until it gets up to 210*F internal. Always slice the flat across the grain. If the slices fall apart, slice thicker. When the point is real close to the boiling point of water (212*F), bring it inside, let it rest unwrapped for maybe 30 minutes, then chop it up, first 1 direction then crosswise. I use the edge of a metal spatula.
Hope this helps.
Keep experimenting. You are getting close.