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What temp do I cook to on PBs???

Wonder if Smokin' will get a kick out of that title? Really I do have a question about the correct way to finish PB's. I have been thinking about this for a couple of days and would like some thoughts on my thoughts.

I know that this smoking is an ART that takes practice to help sort out the reading,thinking. I know that the different parts of country does things a little different.

I have done PBs at different temps from 200*-235* and don't see much difference in cooking times, until the end of the smoke.I have checked doneness from 190*-200* and haven't been able to tell much difference.Is this just me?

Todd G.,
Please explain to me what you Carolina PB cookers look for in finishing a PB, that will be made into a sandwich, on cheap buns and vinegar dipping sauce? Has this cooking process changed over your cooking career?

I don't mean to pick out the Carolina guys, but that is what they are known for, correct. Anyone else with thoughts, please help me sort this out or try.
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