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Which Cookshack to buy?

Howdy all, first timer here. Love the site, lots of great info!
I have been smoking on a Chargriller for a couple of years with very, very good results. I have done a bunch of butts, a few briskets, tons of ribs, and some fish. I enjoy the challenge of maintaining the heat and smoke and believe me, in that cheap leaky smoker it is a challenge, but I think I would make a lot more Q if I didn't have to commit so much time to it. (Part of me worries, however, that BBQing may lose some of its fun with a Cookshack)
That being said, which Cookshack would you all recommend I purchase?
Money is not an issue, I can buy whichever one I decide, I just don't want to waste money and heat with too big a unit.
I usually try to fill the Chargriller when cooking on it simply because I know how much time I am going to spend and I want the most yield for my investment. I am usually only cooking for 2-4 people and vacuum bagging the rest. I will generally be doing maybe either 4=-5 racks, 2 butts or 1 packer brisket. From what I have read it sounds like the smokette will be all I need but I love the features of the Amerique. What should I do?
I also have some reservations about the quality of Q coming off an electric VS a traditional smoker. Anybody here accomplished at smoking on a traditional that has switched to electric that can give me their two cents on the taste differences?

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