quote:Originally posted by Captainkidd:
...It seems kind of like the Bradley concept where you need to buy their product to use their equipment.
No, it's not. You can use any wood you would use in a stickburner, you just need to cut it into smaller pieces. You don't have to buy the wood from CS.
The bradley will ONLY run on pucks.
Do a lengthy read through the owners forum. There are plenty of new owners commenting about their purchase, they'll give you feedback in those posts.
Is it exactly like a stick burner? No. It's a more humid cook because of design (I just open the door and let the humidity out, helps get more bark..for me).
It's a different cooker.
Need to find one if you're really wanting to try it.
Keep in mind, CS has a money back guarantee, 30 days. Not many others will let you return it once you buy it.