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Winners from 2nd FE Class!

A note from Paul Schatte, Fast Eddy's guest instructor at the last cooking class ...

"Cookshack gang, Just keeping track of a couple of members of the 2nd Cookshack Cooking Class. Robert Waddell, Habitual Smokers, won the Grand Champion title in Joplin, MO, June 11 and Reserve Grand Champion title in Tulsa, June 25. A newcomer to the competition scene this year Steve Krauss, Regal BBQ, has cooked two contests since the class. He was a little disappointed after his first contest but was all smiles last weekend at the Harpoon Brewery contest in Windsor, VT. Steve won Reserve Grand Champ. Not too bad for only his second contest. I haven't checked with other class members to see what they have done.

Paul Schatte,
General Manager,
Head Country Food Products, Inc.

Any other class members want to report in?

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