Wow! I finally got something right!
Just an confirm what the Tony at CS told Grone (above). I cut my pecan chunks a bit smaller today and also pulled the heating element up "just a bit". Put the ribs in at 10:20am because the temperature outside was climbing quickly. I opened the door at the 2.5 hour mark and checked the wood. It was smoking, but I adjusted (flipped) some of the pieces and quickly shut the door. Smoke started again. I think I had the door open for less than 1 minute. I pulled the ribs at the four hour mark and now they are foiled, toweled and sitting in a cooler waiting for the gang to arrive about 6pm. tasting yet, but I think I (or should I say we) have this "no smoke" issue figured out. Just to recap: The temperature outside is below 90° and the humidity is not as @#$% high today. Thus the wood seemed to burn perfectly. Now the challenge is to try to not smoke on those HOT daze when ribs and a beer seem to be the perfect meal.