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WTH? AmeriQue Broken after 2 hours of break-in!!??

WTH? AmeriQue Broken after 2 hours of break-in!!??

The smoker was delivered TODAY in time for Christmas dinner. Packaging was great and it arrived in perfect condition. Good job there!

I start the seasoning procedure, 4 hours @ 200* with 3 chunks of wood. Everything is working beautifully until 2 hours in. Then the display screen goes hieroglyphic on me and plastic smelling smoke is coming from the top under control module.

I unplug the smoker, remove the screws securing the control module and see/smell plastic burning smoke coming from where the plugs go into the unit. Not sure if this plastic smoke is just part of the break-in procedure, but I am ABSOLUTELY sure the non-functioning display is not.

Hoping Xmas dinner is not ruined. WHAT CAN I DO?


PS. Sorry this is my first post and introduction, but it is my first experience with CookShack.
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