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Reply to "WTH? AmeriQue Broken after 2 hours of break-in!!??"

lokmeup , I don’t think you’re being blasphemous. I have not had a lick of problems with my AmeriQue in the year I have had it, nor did I ever have an issue with my Smokette in the 7 years I had it.

I understand your frustration. You spent a lot of money for your AmeriQue as did many of us. I came from the other direction. I bought many a $200-$400 smoker before I bought my first Cookshack and I can tell you I would be money ahead if I would have just bought a Cookshack when I first thought about it.

You’re being naive if you think the $200 smokers are or can be trouble free, but don't take my word for it read their reviews on other forums. From what I am reading Masterbuilt customer service has improved 100% in the last year, but it still can’t hold a candle to Cookshack. And there are many modifications the customer needs to make their smokers right out of the box. Is that really what you want?

As Smokin said Cookshack comes with a money back guarantee. I am unaware of any other smoker on the market who has that guarantee. Why do you think that is? Let Tony know how frustrated you are with your smoker. I would be willing to bet he’d would refund your money or extend the money back guarantee until you are happy.

My advice, if you are open to it, would be to hang in there it will be worth it in the long run. Feel free to PM me. I’d be glad to discuss my personal experiences with you.