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I considered calling Cookshack directly to ask them, but I thought I would post here first and not trouble them.

The Amerique is the ideal size smoker for me and how I typically operate; however, I am lusting after a pellet operated smoker - specifically the FEC 100. The issue is not necessarily the price, but the size of the smoker. It's completely overkill for me.

With that said, does Cookshack have plans to produce a cabinet style pellet operated model that is smaller than the FEC 100, but larger than the PG 500 / PG 1000?

I may have to just bite the bullet and order the Amerique, but I was wanting more temperature flexibility offered by the pellet cookers...
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Most of the time I will be smoking just a few items for family meals - pork shoulder and ribs. Chicken quarters, Brisket etc. I would nowhere near fill an Amerique.

Occasionally, (once a month or so), I could see easily coming close to filling an Amerique, for parties, etc. I would obviously be cooking an assortment of meats on varying cook schedules.
I initially had an Amerique and traded up for a FEC 100. I really worried about the overkill issue, until I got it and discovered how versatile it is. With the FEC, I've been able to turn out lots of product, which I've sold, making enough money to pay for the FEC.

From what you're doing, sounds like a PG 500 or 1000 might work and also give you direct grill space. Just remember the Electrics and the FECs are two different critters, with two different smoke profiles.
So... I called Cookshack to inquire about the possibility of an Amerique sized FE pellet smoker and I think I perplexed the lady I spoke to. I explained that I would like an FEC 100, but it's too large and the PG 500 and PG 1000 are too small. She was kind enough to take my name and number and said if there were something like this in the works that someone else would give me a call to discuss. I didn't receive a phone call, but if I do, I'll report back...

I may have to reevaluate and just purchase the Amerique.
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Mootpoint, first off let me say there is no such thing as overkill.

I started with my first Cookshack 009 Smokette 15 years ago.
When it was 10 years old I upgraded to a 066 AmeriQue and sold my 009 for what I had paid for it
I drooled over a FEC 100 for 3 years about 3 months ago I bought a SM260 and I’ve already overloaded it twice.
I do not smoke commercially; I just have that many friends

I’d say start out with the AmeriQue and once you see how easy it is to use move on from there

No matter where you start it won’t take long before you become infected with twofootidis (the undeniable need to buy the next size smoker)

Let the journey begin.
You’re gonna love the way you smoke
I went through all the same issues a few years ago when thinking about an FEC 100 to replace my smokette.

The general feeling at the time was that a smaller version of the FEC 100 would NOT be a great deal less money. As (like all Cookshacks)it is built like a tank, and taking out a little bit of sheet metal would not save much money, after all everything else still needs to be there.

I went ahead with my purchase and have never regretted it. Sure a single rack of ribs or one chicken looks pretty funny in it but they sure do taste great.

I also find that my pellet consumption is way down from that of a FEC 100 full of product.

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